Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I think we are working to hard

Does it ever seem like we are working to hard? What do  I mean by that? I mean that at this point, at least from where I stand, we are literately ripping the planet a part to harvest the natural resources that at one time where in ample supply.
        Being a Lumberjack is considered one ofthe most dangerous jobs in america, and we have gone to what I consider extreme messures to suck the dwindling supply of oil and natural gas out of the ground. We genetically alter plants and spread huge amounts of toxic chemicals over once profitable farm land that then seeps into our ground water and runs into our water supply.
     There is no reason reason we need to work this hard. We can stop or at least lessen the impact that we as a species have on it have on our planet, and it's so easy, all we have to do is grow hemp in industrail scale. There are numerous reason to grow hemp. The list is staggering really, from the amount if co2 it pulls from our ever strained atmosphere (4x the rate if trees) to the amazing products that can made from every aspect if the hemp plant. 
There are no real reasons that we can't grow hemp and when explain the benefits of planting hemp no farmer in his right mind wouldn't plant hemp. Oh I haven't explained the benefits to you yet. Well here we go....
There are several benefits to the farmer that plants in his field.

       1. It is really easy to grow requires little to no supervision( around 20 hours per season)

       2. Requires no pesticides and a very small amount of fertilizer 

        3. Huge yields (6-8 tons per acre)

        4.When planted in a rotation the crop that follows requires little or no pesticides and will have about a 20 % higher yield.

       5. because IH is not harvest by the roots it leaves the roots in the soil there for adding biomass to in some cases much need biomass.

Here are just a few things made from hemp.
 Although the final draft of the declaration of independence is written on paparas the first 3 drafts weher on hemp paper
This the new Lotus Elise Eco a cool, safe and environmentally friendly car.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Very important distinction

I think it is important to note that I am not a “hippie” in any way, I really am just looking at problems or what I see as problems, in the US in general, I don’t have all the answers and some of what I to say might come across as “preachy”.
I ‘m going to start at with a list of problem I see in the US today there are more problem than this I agree but I’m going with these(in no particular order):
1.       High unemployment
2.       Crumbling infrastructure
3.       Pollution, land, sea, air
4.       Reliance on foreign oil
There very well maybe more but this is a good start…
The odd thing is the solution that I have come up with is not a new one nor am I the first person to come up with it. What is the “Magic solution” you ask?


A large majority of you just thought “weed, your answer is weed?”
No, my answer is INDUSTRIAL HEMP!  The two plants do look a lot alike but, they are not the same thing. I don’t even really want to bring Marijuana into this discussion to be quite honest, but I see that I must set forth the differences between the two crops.

Industrial Hemp (IH from here on) is grown to have less than 1%  delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol  (THC) whereas Marijuana(here after known as M) is grown to produce high levels of THC.
“Two cannabinoids are preponderant in cannabis: THC, the psychoactive ingredient, and CBD, which is an antipsychoactive ingredient. Marijuana is high in the psychoactive cannabinoid, THC, and low in the antipsychoactive cannabinoid, CBD. The reverse is true for industrial hemp; when hemp was or is bred for its desirable industrial qualities, the percentage of THC is minimal, while the percentage of CBD is high.” www.azhemp.org
“Hemp, it turns out, is not only not marijuana;
it could be called "antimarijuana."

“Hemp cultivars have been selected for seed and fibre
production and the THC levels are very low to zero
in a couple of French varieties.”
       What is hemp?
Hemp is a variety of cannabis that is grown for the fiber and seeds.  The fiber and seeds are incredible valuable and is why hemp is often called a “cash crop”.  Hemp is a very hearty plant and grows very quickly in very diverse soil conditions.  Cultivation of hemp for industrial purposes has been done by many civilizations for over 12,000 years.   Industrial hemp was the desired fiber used to manufacture rope, canvas, paper, and clothing until alternative textiles and synthetics for these purposes were discovered. It is illegal for anyone to grow hemp in the United States as hemp is illegal under the marijuana prohibition act.    
                     Why is this the answer to all of these problem? Stay tuned!

A New Look

Cuyahoga River Fire Nov. 3, 1952. Courtesy of Cleveland Press Collection at Cleveland State University Library.

We as a people have never seemed to care much for our planet, at least from where I stand. It wasn’t until very recently that we even noticed that we had an effect on our environment. Now as an American I tend to pay more attention to what happens here, as opposed to in other places, but that doesn’t mean that other countries aren’t just as good at making messes as we are. I just don’t see or hear much about from my little corner of the Northwest.
Over the next few weeks or months (it really depends on how carried a way I get) I’m going to do my very best to explain the problem as I see it and in no uncertain terms tell you, the reader, what I see as solutions. I want to point out that am not a scientist; I don’t have formal training in any scientific discipline. I do on the other hand have a knack for research, an uncanny ability simplify complicated information and I have no fear of asking the “stupid” questions. I understand that it is often times hard to get a sense of tone when reading so I’m going to give you a key.
ALL CAPS = that’s right I’m yelling
Italics = sarcasm, I’m very sarcastic by nature, and a lot what I’m going to write about is so damn ridiculous that it might pour out in abundance
                “Quotes”= quotes, I’m going to do my level best not take things out of context, I hate that so I’m going to try very hard not to do it.
                Really Big and colored= what I think you should really pay attention to, there may be a test later.
Example: its 2013 and the trucks we manufacture and drive, that at best get 25 miles to the gallon*? That makes complete sense
*not a researched fact just an example

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Miller 64

There are a lot of these Low-Cal Beers these days, and they must be hard to make because they by and large suck and light beer, such as Coors Light only has 102 calories

Here is a link for more calorie counts in beer

And After seeing a commercial for Miller 64 the other day, you know the one with all the guys sitting around laughing a bar table, and there is a heady chant “Its Miller 64…”, I was swain and pick up an 18 pack to watch football this weekend. Even though Coors and Miller have joined forces, Miller 64 still sucks and 18 Miller 64’s is way too many.
I want to say that Miller Genuine Draft is great domestic beer and I have nothing against Miller in general, but this watered down version of Miller makes me long for a Coors light. The pale, almost ghostly gold(ish) color that you see through the clear bottle is very much a precursor for the lackluster watery taste of the “nontreat” that awaits you inside.

I only time I can see appropriate to drink this beer is when you are at you Wife’s friend’s house to help move that really heavy antique There are a lot of these Low-Cal Beers these days, and they must be hard to make because they by and large suck and light beer, such as Coors Light only has 102 calories
Here is a link for more calorie counts in beer
And After seeing a commercial for Miller 64 the other day, you know the one with all the guys sitting around laughing a bar table, and there is a heady chant “Its Miller 64…” I was swain and pick up an 18 pack to watch football this weekend. Even though Coors and Miller have joined forces, Miller 64 still sucks and 18 Miller 64’s is way too many.
I want to say that Miller Genuine Draft is great domestic beer and I have nothing against Miller in general, but this watered down version of Miller Light makes me long for a Coors light. The pale, almost ghostly gold(ish) color that you see through the clear bottle is very just pre curser for the lackluster watery taste of the “nontreat” that awaits you inside.
I only time I can see appropriate to drink this beer is when you are at you Wife’s friend’s house to help move that really heavy antique armoire from one side of the room to the other and you forgot to pick up a 6 pack on your way over.

.25 diamonds

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Classics: 4

Newcastle Brown Nut Ale

The last of our classics comes to us from across the pond, that’s right Newcastle Brown Nut ale; my wife actually turned me on to this beer. I would like to say that like it a little better “on tap” as opposed to out of the bottle, I think they even have it cans now, I have yet to try it out of a can but I'm sure its great.

Color of this beer is a virtual mirror to flavor that is about to invade you taste buds. It has a very smooth, easy drinking attitude, with a little bit of a nutty taste through the whole thing. Sometimes I think there’s a little smoke in there, but that might just be my proclivity for standing around a fire.

To my mind this is a winter/fall/early spring beer, great for playing darts in your game room, standing around the pool table at your local pub, or when you have been pulled out with your wife’s friends to go for a “glass” of wine. I have found that many of places that serve wine by the glass also carry Newcastle.



Dub’ Diamonds

Classics Vol: 3 Samuel Adams Boston Lager

                      Samuel Adams Boston Lager

    Samuel Adams Boston Lager is one of those beers that can be reliably found year, it is eming at every gas station, grocery store, and bodega across the country, its a great beer, a safety beer, an easy drinking beer. It’s not the best beer that Sam Adams makes, but  it is their flagship.
          Samuel Adams Boston Lager is one of those beers that can be reliably found year, it seeming to be in every gas station, grocery store, and bodega across the country, its a great beer, a safety beer, an easy drinking beer. It’s not the best beer that Sam Adams makes, but  it is their flagship.
This in my mind, is really more of a late fall/winter beer, kind of heavy or full bodied; great by the fire on the patio, after a full day of skiing at your local ski resort, or around the pool table at your favorite night spot.
   The body is clear and dark golden in appearance. The nose is full of floral, spicy hops. This continues into the first taste. It has a malty sweetness that finishes with a nice hoppy snap. The bitterness lingers but leaves you with a feeling of satisfaction.

On a personal note: To guys at Samuel Adams, I love the new 6 pack holders with the high sides. For those of you who don’t know, "light is the enemy of all thing alcohol". Ever had a “Skunky” Beer that you may well have enjoyed before? Too much light may well be the reason. Good Job Guys!!! Keep up the good work.



The Classics vol: 2

                 Widmer Brother Hefeweizen:

This fantastic Hefeweizen, is not only a “classic” it is also a staple in my fridge, the price is right, the beer is great and even the most ardent keystone drinker will not complain when offered one of these easy drinking wheat beers.

In my mind this is great summer/fall beer, whether with slice of lemon in frosty mug on the patio of your favorite tap house on a warm fall evening, or straight out of the cooler at a 4th of July Barbeque, this Hefeweizen from Widmer is the quintessential “Heffy”.

The foggy, unfiltered golden color of this beer is a great indicator of what awaits you with this beer, pronounced citrus and floral aromas and clean flavor and are the trade mark of this beer, great with a verity of food.

Dub’ Diamond

The Classic Vol 1

The Classics
There are four beers that I consider “The Classics”, Widmer Brothers Hefeweizen, New Castel Brown Ale, Sam Adams Boston Lager, and Red Hook Blonde.

Red Hook Blonde
 Because gentlemen prefer blondes:

 Red Hook Blonde was really my first foray in micro brews, now  I’ve always had thing for blondes, but I digress. Before this beautiful amber colored ale, I was slowly drinking my way through the Rocky Mountains (ha ha). It very much opened my mind and taste buds to the wonderful world of micro brews.
This to me is great summer time ale (although it is available year round), great for barbeques, fishing, camping trips, golfing, at the ballgame, or just a warm summer night on the patio.

From gorgeous golden color to the buttered biscuits I sensed on the nose to the citric flavor toward the end; I thoroughly enjoy every drop of this offering from Red Hook.

Dub’ Diamond  
