Being a Lumberjack is considered one ofthe most dangerous jobs in america, and we have gone to what I consider extreme messures to suck the dwindling supply of oil and natural gas out of the ground. We genetically alter plants and spread huge amounts of toxic chemicals over once profitable farm land that then seeps into our ground water and runs into our water supply.
There is no reason reason we need to work this hard. We can stop or at least lessen the impact that we as a species have on it have on our planet, and it's so easy, all we have to do is grow hemp in industrail scale. There are numerous reason to grow hemp. The list is staggering really, from the amount if co2 it pulls from our ever strained atmosphere (4x the rate if trees) to the amazing products that can made from every aspect if the hemp plant.
There are no real reasons that we can't grow hemp and when explain the benefits of planting hemp no farmer in his right mind wouldn't plant hemp. Oh I haven't explained the benefits to you yet. Well here we go....
There are several benefits to the farmer that plants in his field.
1. It is really easy to grow requires little to no supervision( around 20 hours per season)
2. Requires no pesticides and a very small amount of fertilizer
3. Huge yields (6-8 tons per acre)
4.When planted in a rotation the crop that follows requires little or no pesticides and will have about a 20 % higher yield.
5. because IH is not harvest by the roots it leaves the roots in the soil there for adding biomass to in some cases much need biomass.
Here are just a few things made from hemp.
Although the final draft of the declaration of independence is written on paparas the first 3 drafts weher on hemp paper
This the new Lotus Elise Eco a cool, safe and environmentally friendly car.